BPP University


About BPP University:

History and Heritage: BPP University has a distinguished history dating back to its establishment in 1976. Initially founded as a provider of accountancy training, it has since evolved into a leading institution offering professional education across various disciplines.

Academic Excellence: BPP University is renowned for its commitment to academic excellence and professional education. It offers a diverse range of undergraduate and postgraduate programs in fields such as business, law, psychology, healthcare, and finance. The university maintains strong industry connections to ensure its curriculum remains relevant and responsive to market needs.

Campus and Facilities: With modern campuses situated in key cities including London, Birmingham, Manchester, and Leeds, BPP University provides state-of-the-art facilities to its students. These facilities include well-equipped classrooms, libraries, computer labs, and collaborative spaces conducive to learning and innovation.

Student Support and Wellbeing: The university places a strong emphasis on supporting the holistic development and wellbeing of its students. It offers comprehensive support services encompassing academic tutoring, career guidance, and mental health support to nurture student success and wellbeing.

Research and Innovation: While prioritizing professional education, BPP University also fosters a culture of research and innovation. Faculty members actively engage in research activities, contributing to advancements in their respective fields and enriching the academic environment.

Global Perspective and International Opportunities: Recognizing the importance of global perspectives, BPP University provides international study opportunities through study abroad programs and partnerships with international institutions. These initiatives enable students to broaden their horizons and develop a global mindset.

Community Engagement: BPP University is committed to community engagement and social responsibility. It encourages students and staff to participate in community outreach projects and volunteering initiatives, aiming to make a positive impact on society.

Student Life and Societies: The university offers a vibrant student life with diverse extracurricular activities and societies. From sports clubs to social events and professional networking activities, students have opportunities to enhance their leadership skills, pursue interests, and forge lasting connections.

Official Website: BPP University

Year of Establishment: 1992

University Address: BPP University has multiple campuses across the United Kingdom, including locations in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Bristol, and Leeds.

University Type: Private University


BPP University, situated in the UK, prioritizes providing international students with a conducive and comfortable learning environment through a range of facilities:

Campus Facilities: BPP University's campuses boast modern and cutting-edge facilities. From well-designed classrooms to advanced lecture theaters, students have access to state-of-the-art technology and resources, fostering an interactive learning atmosphere.

Libraries and Learning Resources: The university offers well-stocked libraries with extensive academic resources, including books, journals, and online databases. Trained librarians are available to aid students in utilizing these resources effectively for research and coursework.

IT and Computing Facilities: BPP University ensures reliable access to IT and computing facilities. Computer labs equipped with up-to-date software and internet connectivity support students in assignments, research, and online learning. Technical support is also provided for any IT-related issues.

Student Accommodation: Accommodation options, both on-campus and off-campus, are available for international students. The university's accommodation services assist students in securing suitable and secure living arrangements conducive to studying.

Student Support Services: Comprehensive support services are provided, covering academic support, personal counseling, and career services. Study skills workshops, tutoring, and career planning assistance are among the services offered to ensure students' academic and personal success.

Student Societies and Activities: BPP University encourages international students to engage in extracurricular activities and join student societies to foster social connections and shared interests. Various events and cultural activities are organized throughout the year to enrich the student experience.

Sports and Fitness Facilities: Recognizing the importance of physical well-being, the university offers sports and fitness facilities. These include gyms, sports courts, and recreational spaces, allowing students to maintain a healthy lifestyle and alleviate academic stress through sports activities.


Ranked 155th in the Webometrics United Kingdom National Ranking.


Available Courses



BPP University, located in the UK, extends a range of scholarships and financial aid options to international students, aiming to recognize academic excellence and facilitate access to higher education.

Vice-Chancellor's Scholarships: These scholarships are merit-based and offered to outstanding international students who exhibit exceptional academic performance. They provide partial tuition fee waivers and are awarded based on academic achievements, personal accomplishments, and future potential.

International Student Scholarships: BPP University offers scholarships tailored specifically for international students, emphasizing academic merit and individual achievements. These scholarships aim to attract talented students globally and provide financial support to pursue studies at BPP University.

Alumni Scholarships: Alumni of BPP University pursuing further studies are eligible for these scholarships. Designed to support alumni committed to academic and professional advancement, these scholarships offer financial aid to former students of the university.

Corporate and Professional Body Scholarships: BPP University collaborates with corporate organizations and professional bodies, facilitating industry-specific scholarships for international students. These scholarships recognize exceptional talent and interest in specific fields, fostering partnerships between students and industry stakeholders.

Government Scholarships: International students may qualify for scholarships offered by their home countries' governments or external funding bodies. BPP University assists students in navigating the application process and provides guidance on accessing these scholarships.

Please note that scholarship availability, eligibility criteria, and application deadlines may vary annually.


BPP University, situated in the UK, acknowledges the financial concerns students may face when pursuing higher education. To alleviate this burden, the university offers various avenues of financial support aimed at making academic aspirations more accessible.

Employment Opportunities and Part-Time Work: Recognizing the significance of part-time employment for students, BPP University provides assistance in locating suitable job opportunities alongside their studies. The university offers guidance and resources to aid students in finding part-time work, emphasizing the importance of balancing work commitments with academic responsibilities for optimal success.

Financial Guidance and Budgeting Support: BPP University extends support services to help students effectively manage their finances. This includes offering advice on budgeting techniques, navigating living expenses, and making informed financial decisions. Through workshops and resources, students can enhance their financial literacy skills, fostering responsible financial habits.


BPP University, situated in the UK, places great importance on providing international students with comfortable and convenient accommodation options to facilitate their transition to a new country. Recognizing the challenges associated with finding housing abroad, the university offers a range of accommodation choices tailored to meet the diverse needs of its student body.

On-Campus Residences: BPP University offers on-campus accommodation facilities, ensuring students have easy access to university amenities and fostering a vibrant community atmosphere. These modern residences are designed to be secure and well-equipped, providing students with a comfortable living environment conducive to academic success. The university strives to cultivate a supportive and inclusive community where students can forge meaningful connections and participate in extracurricular activities.

Off-Campus Housing Assistance: In addition to on-campus options, BPP University assists international students in navigating the off-campus housing market. The university's accommodation team offers guidance and resources to help students find suitable private rented accommodations in the surrounding areas. They provide support throughout the housing search process, including understanding rental contracts, connecting with reputable landlords, and ensuring accommodations align with students' preferences and budget.

Private Rentals: Many international students at BPP University opt for private rented accommodations such as flats, apartments, or houses. The university's accommodation team offers assistance in navigating the private rental market, providing valuable insights into property search strategies, rental agreements, and local housing regulations. By offering guidance and support, the university aims to empower students to make informed decisions when selecting their housing arrangements.

Homestay Options: For students seeking a more immersive cultural experience, BPP University can facilitate arrangements for homestay accommodations. Through homestays, students have the opportunity to live with a local host family, allowing them to immerse themselves in the local culture and language. Homestay arrangements often include meals and additional support from the host family, providing students with a welcoming and supportive environment as they adapt to life in a new country.

Cost Of Living

Living costs in the UK vary based on location and lifestyle preferences:

Off-Campus Accommodation: Rent for a one-bedroom apartment typically ranges from £750 to £1,200 per month. Prices vary by city and town, so research is crucial before renting.

On-Campus Accommodation: University housing costs about £400 to £800 monthly, varying by accommodation type and university location.

Transportation: Public transportation costs £60 to £100 monthly, depending on the mode and distance traveled.

Food: Monthly food expenses range from £150 to £250, influenced by dietary needs and habits. Budget shopping and home-cooked meals can reduce costs.

Utilities: Utilities, including gas, electricity, and water, average £80 to £120 monthly, varying by location and apartment size.

Entertainment: Entertainment expenses are approximately £80 to £150 per month.

Groceries: Grocery expenses range from £150 to £250 monthly, depending on dietary preferences.

Clothing: Clothing costs about £50 to £100 monthly, with prices varying based on brand and quality.

Note: These are estimates, and actual costs depend on individual circumstances and location.

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